Permission to delete comments in front-end for logged-in users.
2. Edit Comments By Users
Permission to edit comments in front-end for logged-in users.
3. Spam Check
Posting comments are possible based on spam-check sensitivity.
4. User Profile Url
Set author profile URL, leave empty for default profile URL.
5. Spam Check Sensitivity Time
Add a delay between posting comments for example 3/second.
6. AutoLink
If the AutoLink option is enabled, written plain URLs will be transformed to HTML clickable hyperlinks.
7. TinyMCE Editor for Writing Comments
According to Wikipedia: TinyMCE is an online rich-text editor released as open-source software under the LGPL. It has the ability to convert HTML textarea fields or other HTML elements to editor instances.
By enabling Image Insertion Button option, comment authors will be able to insert their images with description and specified dimensions in their comments.
9. Emoji List Button(TinyMCE Editor Toolbar)
By enabling Emoji List Button option, comment authors will be able to see a list of popular emojis and use them among their comment’s text.
10. Link Insertion Button for Users (TinyMCE Editor Toolbar)
By enabling Link Insertion Button option, comment authors (guests and logged-in users) will be able to insert their links as HTML hyperlinks in their comments.
11. Link Insertion Button for Guests (TinyMCE Editor Toolbar)
Show link insertion button for guests on TinyMCE editor toolbar when writing a comment.
12. Access to Edit Comments (Days)
You can set the maximum time for comment authors to be able to edit their comments (in days).
13. Notification on New Replies
Users receive notifications about new replies to a comment they’ve followed.
14. Enable/Disable Guest Comments
Enable/disable permission for guests to write and post comments.
15. Show/Hide Website Field
Showing/Hiding website field when posting comments (only for guests).
I was impressed by the tool application instructions. To have better access to the programs, use and manipulate. adept at utilizing utilities to increase productivity when working in teams.
Impressed with the tutorials on how to apply the tools. Use and manipulate to better access the programs. Proficient when working together through the use of utilities and improve work efficiency.
Comments Settings
Deeper Comments Settings Documentation
Here you can manage comment settings.
1. Delete Comments By Users
Permission to delete comments in front-end for logged-in users.
2. Edit Comments By Users
Permission to edit comments in front-end for logged-in users.
3. Spam Check
Posting comments are possible based on spam-check sensitivity.
4. User Profile Url
Set author profile URL, leave empty for default profile URL.
5. Spam Check Sensitivity Time
Add a delay between posting comments for example 3/second.
6. AutoLink
If the AutoLink option is enabled, written plain URLs will be transformed to HTML clickable hyperlinks.
7. TinyMCE Editor for Writing Comments
According to Wikipedia: TinyMCE is an online rich-text editor released as open-source software under the LGPL. It has the ability to convert HTML textarea fields or other HTML elements to editor instances.
8. Image Insertion Button (TinyMCE Editor Toolbar)
By enabling Image Insertion Button option, comment authors will be able to insert their images with description and specified dimensions in their comments.
9. Emoji List Button(TinyMCE Editor Toolbar)
By enabling Emoji List Button option, comment authors will be able to see a list of popular emojis and use them among their comment’s text.
10. Link Insertion Button for Users (TinyMCE Editor Toolbar)
By enabling Link Insertion Button option, comment authors (guests and logged-in users) will be able to insert their links as HTML hyperlinks in their comments.
11. Link Insertion Button for Guests (TinyMCE Editor Toolbar)
Show link insertion button for guests on TinyMCE editor toolbar when writing a comment.
12. Access to Edit Comments (Days)
You can set the maximum time for comment authors to be able to edit their comments (in days).
13. Notification on New Replies
Users receive notifications about new replies to a comment they’ve followed.
14. Enable/Disable Guest Comments
Enable/disable permission for guests to write and post comments.
15. Show/Hide Website Field
Showing/Hiding website field when posting comments (only for guests).