

Deeper Comments Settings Documentation

all settings - Settings
Deeper Comments settings are divided into multiple sections for ease of use:

Discussion Settings

We have discussion settings for managing comments, controlling appearances, managing how you want to deal with inappropriate comments, configuring social sharing and voting buttons, define word blacklist to detect inappropriate comments, comments author’s avatar, Deeper Comments skins, limitation on post types and managing notifications.

discussion - Settings

Login & Register Settings

For comment’s author authentication there is a section named Login Register which is responsible for how the users can login and register in comments form. And there is also an option for managing robot detection reCAPTCHA to prevent spamming from non-humans.

login register - Settings

Styling Settings

Last but not least, it’s time for some styling settings to customize to look of your deeper comments form. In styling setting you are able to manage the looks and colors for wrap, footer, join the discussion, buttons, comments count, comment text, metadata, replay text, date text, icons, author name, load more button, author avatar, user status and filter bar.

styling - Settings
Avatar for Jane Smith
Avatar for Jane Smith
2 Comment
Avatar for Jane Smith
eee May 20, 2023
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