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Guest Posting: How to Do it Right in 2023

Guest Posting: How to Do it Right in 2023 1

Are you a blogger who is struggling to increase traffic to your website? Are you toying with the idea of guest blogging? Are you confused about what guest blogging entails exactly? Well, you’re not alone.

All marketers are well aware of how important blogging is generally for SEO. But good marketers know how guest blogging can be a huge source of industry credibility, relationship building and audience growth.


What is Guest Posting?

Also known as guest blogging, guest posting is a method by which one person creates posts for another person’s blog to further their exposure, and build their network, authority and backlinks.

In a technical sense, SEO guest blogging creates an opportunity to get a link back from another website in your industry and a chance to plug in your product/offerings in your network.


How Do You Find Guest Posting Opportunities?

It’s not easy to find guest posting opportunities, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible!

If you want to find the best websites to publish your guest post, it’s recommended to get in touch with agencies that offer guest posting services.

However, if you find the time or if you have a dedicated team to do the manual outreach, here are some handy ways to find high-quality websites that publish guest posts.



Of course, you have to start at the start of the internet. Many websites accept guest blogs based on their content framework. You can zero in on them through a simple Google search or even utilize their advanced search tools to get specific.


Your Circles

It’s a tale as old as time. Given that most businesses of today have websites and blogs, leveraging your network can help you land many high-quality guest posting opportunities.


Social Networks

Shout about your skills from the rooftops! Using social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and even Reddit to highlight your guest blogging skills is a great way to attract the audience you’re seeking for the same.


Following Other Guest Bloggers

Using social media to find and connect with prolific guest bloggers can help you find high-quality opportunities for your guest posting services with the bonus of expanding your network.


How to Pitch a Guest Blogging Post

Pitching for a guest blogging post can seem really daunting in the beginning! But with some practice (and some of our tips!), you’ll soon be an expert.

Start by choosing your target blog wisely. Don’t just pitch at every blog with opportunities.

Instead, choose blogs that you actually read and are interested in. Your content is likely to be much better and your presence will be noticed more too.

Make sure the blog matches your industry, your style and your future growth. Research the topic of your post and come up with a couple more alternative topics. Write a short, comprehensive summary for each topic and send it out to your target blog.



And there you have it, SEO enthusiasts! Follow our handy guide and see the demand for your guest blogging services grow stronger and stronger with each new post.

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