
Modern Events Calendar is the best WordPress Event Calendar plugin. Here are the features that makes MEC the most powerful and user-friendly WordPress event plugin in the market. 


Events Features

Create events

  • Add event image

  • Location Maps

  • Single day events

  • Multiple day events

  • Create all day events

  • Add to Google Calendar feature

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Event link

  • Event label

  • Event color

  • Advanced event speaker system

  • Showing Cancellation reason

  • Showing the normal labels on all skins

  • Advanced event locations system

  • Advanced event organizer system

  • Calendar method to show available occurrences to book

  • Show event content only for those users that booked the event

  • Insert images for locations and organizers

  • Tag events

  • Categorizing events in unlimited categories

  • Showing map top of the list and grid shortcodes

  • Advanced Hourly Schedule (for each day)

  • Set Ticket Variations / Options separately for each event

  • You can create events that hold more than 1 day

  • Add to iCal, Outlook, etc. by downloading .ics file

  • Add custom booking form for each event

  • A feature to change the booking button label per event

  • A feature for events to inherit color from the category if no event color is specified

  • Create All Day Event

  • Hide Event Time

  • Hide Event End Time

  • Event local time

  • Add some organizers

  • Add some speakers to Schedule

  • Showing local time for all shortcode

  • Countdown method per event

  • Custom event fields

  • Download-able file feature

  • Event Status for Schema

  • Cancellation reason

  • different timezone per event

  • Next / Previous Events

  • Custom Data For Single Events

  • Content only for bookers

  • Edit Per Occurrences

  • Change Currency Per Event

  • Sticky Sidebar

  • Showing map top of the list and grid shortcodes

  • Advanced Hourly Schedule (for each day)

  • Set Ticket Variations / Options separately for each event

  • Add custom booking form for each event

  • Event Timezone

  • Edit Payment System

  • Event Timezone

  • Event Countdown

  • Ability to add sponsors to events and display them on single event page

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Repeating events

  • Ability to create daily events

  • Ability to create weekly events

  • Ability to create monthly events

  • Ability to create yearly events

  • Ability to repeat events on weekdays and weekends

  • Ability to repeat events on custom days

  • Ability to set custom intervals for events

  • Ability to set multiple occurrences in one day

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Never end events
  • Ability to create never end events
  • Ability to set a certain date for event finish
  • Ability to finish an event after certain repeats
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Other Features
  • Event countdown
  • Simple and Advanced Google Maps direction feature
  • Event custom link page
  • Shortcode creator interface
  • Advanced filtering options for shortcode creator
  • Dynamic event labels
  • Ability to set Featured/Canceled label
  • Ability to set color
  • Ability to hide past events in shortcodes
  • Ability to insert custom CSS in settings
  • Ability to show only featured events
  • Smooth Month navigation
  • More than 10 different map styles for Google Maps
  • Ability to export all events from WP backend
  • Support comment form in single event page
  • Translation Ready
  • Shortcode to display users events
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Display Features

Display Features

  • Font Awesome icons

  • Multiple color skins

  • Ability to select custom colors

  • List view (5 styles)

  • Grid view (7 styles)

  • General Calendar

  • Agenda view

  • Full calendar view

  • Yearly view

  • Monthly/Calendar view (4 styles)

  • Daily View

  • Tile View

  • Timeline

  • Booking Calendar

  • Calendar method to show available occurrences to book

  • Booking Shortcode

  • RTL support

  • Custom colors for events

  • Category filter option

  • Label filter option

  • Search option

  • Location filter option

  • Weekly view

  • Timetable view

  • Masonry view

  • Map view

  • Cover view (3 styles)

  • Countdown view (3 styles)

  • Available spot view

  • Carousel view (3 styles)

  • Slider view (5 styles)

  • Show events on the Google Maps based on their location

  • Shortcode to display users events

  • Countdown method per event

  • Show / Hide Occurrences per shortcode

  • Change event visibility and hide them in shortcodes

  • Map for the List View

  • Map for the Grid View

  • Show skin of the shortcode

  • Maximum date for certain skins

  • Event Cost search option

  • Set different timezone per event

  • Lock pre-filled fields

  • Month filter option

  • Show Only Expired Events feature

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Booking Features

Booking Features

  • Create various kind of tickets

  • Set a limit on total bookings

  • Set a limit on user for bookings

  • Set a limit for certain tickets

  • Create free tickets

  • Create unlimited tickets

  • Add custom fields to booking form

  • Coupons and Discount manager

  • Total User Booking Limits

  • Price Per Date

  • Badge for new book

  • add user roles as recipient in notifications

  • WooCommerce order link in bookings paid by WooCommerce

  • Filter for bookings

  • Ticket limit for coupon

  • Booking fixed fields per booking

  • Create an account with a custom username and password

  • Lock pre-filled fields

  • Set booking limit per different occurrences

  • Auto-Populate profile fields after booking

  • Stripe Refund Option

  • Attendee Counter

  • Downloadable File Options

  • Booking Form Interval

  • Attendees in event

  • Ticket variations per ticket

  • Date Selection For Booking

  • Change event parameters per occurrence

  • Calendar method to show available occurrences to book

  • MEC Cart

  • Create certain fees for each event

  • add users as recipients in notifications

  • Payment information

  • Booking Button in Modal Window for All Shortcodes

  • Refund bookings paid by Stripe gateway

  • Cancel bookings after cancelation or refund of WC order

  • Skip the first step of booking

  • Maximum booking option for tickets

  • New ticket style option named Row

  • Booking progress bar

  • Display the total number of selected tickets in the booking module

  • Currency to WooCommerce order

  • Attendees count in backend booking form

  • Set minimum sale for tickets

  • Amount Per Date

  • Variations Per Ticket

  • Disable coupons feature

  • Advanced currency options

  • Implemented 5 payment methods

  • Enable/disable payment methods

  • Custom booking form for each event

  • Auto verify free and/or paid bookings

  • Completely disable booking feature if you don’t want to use it.pro

  • Remove/Add attendees

  • Edit Booking

  • Download-able file feature

  • Booking shortcode

  • Sort payment gateways

  • Import bookings from CSV

  • Booking button on the shortcode

  • Booking Calendar

  • Book multiple dates in one booking

  • Prevent user account

  • Discount per user roles

  • Cancellation Period

  • Cancellation Page Time Interval

  • User Registration Options

  • Custom Username & Password

  • IP restriction

  • Lock Pre-filled Fields

  • Last Few Tickets Flag

  • Custom Transaction ID

  • Who can book? Feature

  • CSV export option for bookings

  • MS Excel export option for bookings

  • Ticket Variations / Options feature

  • Booking for ongoing events

  • Global Tax/Fee creation system

  • Enable/Disable invoice

  • Express Attendees Form

  • Resend booking verification and confirmation email

  • Prevent user account

  • Refund bookings paid by Stripe gateway

  • Stop selling tickets when the first occurrence of an event happened

  • Show event content only for those users that booked the event

  • Stop selling tickets option

  • "Back Button" for booking form

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Implemented 5 payment methods

  • Pay locally

  • PayPal Express

  • PayPal Credit Card

  • PayPal Standard gateway

  • Stripe

  • Pay by WooCommerce

  • Organizer payment

  • Use WooCommerce as Booking and Payment System

  • Bank Transfer

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Send different notifications to booker/admin

  • Booking notification for booker/attendee

  • Booking notification for admin

  • Booking verification to attendee

  • Booking confirmation by admin to attendee

  • Booking cancellation by admin to attendee

  • Booking Reminders notification

  • Add a new event from front-end event submission

  • Email to users when event publishing

  • Booking Rejection

  • Event Sold-out

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Integration Features

Integration Features

  • Import events from EventOn

  • Import events from The Events Calendar

  • Import events from Events Schedule WP Plugin

  • Import events from Calendarize It

  • Import events from Event Espresso

  • Import events from Events Manager

  • Mailchimp Subscription

  • Campaign Monitor

  • MailerLite

  • Constant Contact

  • Active Campaign

  • Learn dash

  • PaidMembership Pro

  • AWeber

  • Sendfox

  • BuddyPress

  • Visual Composer addon

  • KingComposer addon

  • Divi addon

  • Elementor addon

  • WPML ready

  • WordPress Multisite ready

  • Cache plugins compatibility

  • SEO plugins compatibility

  • Auto synchronization with google calendar

  • Google Recaptcha

  • Google Map

  • MailPoet

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Developers Features

Developers Features
  • Completely developer friendly
  • Override archive and single pages in a theme
  • Override skin files in a theme
  • Filter plugin options using WordPress filtering system
  • Fire custom functions using WordPress actions API
  • Customize single events
  • Customize shortcodes
  • Available Hooks
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Key Features

Key Features

  • WooCommerce Payment Integration

  • Organizer payment

  • Stripe Payment Integration

  • Mailchimp Integration

  • BuddyPress Integration

  • Archive Page Skin

  • Single and Multiple day events

  • Advanced Google Maps

  • Import events from Google Calendar

  • Export filtered events into CSV, MS Excel, JSON and XML formats

  • Exceptional Days

  • Dynamic content shortcode

  • Google Recaptcha

  • Hourly Schedule

  • Option for category archive page to show expired events instead of upcoming events

  • Available Widget in all Sidebar

  • Show total attendees of a booking into the admin notification

  • Matching Shortcode and Widget

  • Matching Shortcode and Visual Composer

  • Elementor, Visual Composer(WP Bakery), Divi Builder, King Composer page builder compatibility

  • Custom CSS

  • Advanced categorizing and filtering options

  • Event note for frontend event submission

  • Frontend Event Submission

  • iCal file download link in email

  • Google Calendar link in email

  • Custom Category Skin feature

  • Weekends, Weekdays and certain weekdays repeating

  • Show ongoing or expired events

  • Display the total amount of purchased tickets in confirmation email

  • Popular Social Networks (share): Tumblr, Pinterest, Flipboard, GetPocket, Reddit, WhatsApp and Telegram

  • Featured Image placeholder

  • Disabling the Google fonts

  • Bulk email send to attendees

  • Book all occurrences

  • Different hours for custom days repeat

  • Multiple occurrences in one day

  • Notifications per event

  • Next/Previous Module

  • Related Events Module

  • Public Download Module

  • Dark Mode

  • Local time for all shortcodes

  • Auto-Populate profile fields after booking

  • Change event visibility and hide them in shortcodes

  • Multiple Category Search option

  • Resend booking verification and confirmation email

  • Countdown method per event

  • Prevent user account

  • Refund bookings paid by Stripe gateway

  • Early bird booking

  • Developer Documentations

  • Advanced and custom repeating

  • Yearly, Monthly, Weekly,Daily repeating

  • Midnight Hour

  • show only one occurrence

  • Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn to speakers

  • Change sender name and sender email of WordPress emails

  • Reset Section for settings

  • Auto set cronjobs (Once Daily) synchronization

  • Badge for new event

  • Campaign Monitor

  • MailerLite

  • Constant Contact

  • WordPress dashboard widgets

  • Ticket limit for coupon

  • Show Normal Label

  • Cancellation reason

  • Change event parameters per occurrence

  • ical subscription URL

  • Booking Report

  • Stop selling tickets when the first occurrence of an event happened

  • Show event content only for those users that booked the event

  • Show / Hide Occurrences per shortcode

  • An ability for editor and admin users to manage events from frontend dashboard

  • Gutenberg editor to event edit page

  • Instagram for speakers

  • Send booking reminder to all attendees instead of main attendee

  • SCA compatibility for Stripe Payment Gateways

  • Facebook Importer

  • Import From Meetup

  • Notifications

  • Recurring/Repeating events

  • Next Event Module

  • Shortcode Creator

  • Timezone feature

  • Auto verification ( Email & Booking )

  • Taxes / Fees

  • Multiple color skins

  • Slider View

  • Cover View

  • Countdown View

  • Carousel View

  • Monthly/Calendar View

  • Weekly View

  • Daily View

  • List/Grid View

  • Timetable View

  • Agenda View

  • Google Maps option in list & Grid skins

  • Masonry View

  • QR Code Module

  • Weather Module View

  • Available Spot View

  • User Profile Shortcode for end-user

  • Event Cancellation from User Profile Shortcode

  • Feed/RSS

  • Schema structure

  • Rearrange booking form

  • Report page

  • Auto cronjob

  • Booking Reminder Cron

  • event submission by guest (Not logged-in) users

  • Unlimited event repeating

  • Coupons and Discount manager

  • Import Facebook link as event link

  • Import Facebook link as more info link

  • Showing local time for all shortcode

  • Showing Cancellation reason

  • Showing the normal labels on all skins

  • Event Status for Schema

  • Booking Calendar

  • Book multiple dates in one booking

  • Add Event Wizard

  • Add Shortcode Wizard

  • Settings Wizard

  • Fast Setup

  • Multiple Occurrences of Current Event

  • Auto Emails

  • Booking Report

  • Event locations system

  • Event organizer system

  • Multiple organizers

  • Dynamic event labels

  • Booking form builder

  • Map View

  • RTL support

  • Booking

  • Advanced Tax/Fee system

  • Multiple Tickets system

  • Event Details/Single Event Page

  • Coupons/Discount system

  • PayPal Integration

  • Multisite Ready

  • WPML Ready

  • SEO ready

  • Geo-location feature for map skin

  • shortcode to show the invoice download link in thank you page

  • Developer friendly

  • Choose Weekends

  • Create Booking Form

  • Europ language completed

  • Ajax live search shortcode

  • Thank you page for front-end Event Submission

  • Custom Archive Skin feature

  • Events Archive Status

  • Booking for ongoing events

  • All Taxonomies search field for shortcodes

  • Cancellation notifications

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Comparison Table of Best WordPress Event Calendar Plugins