The Importance of Great Design for Ecommerce Websites

The majority of retailers and businesses have an online presence but no idea about the design for eCommerce websites. It is an inescapable necessity in the modern world, especially when considering the recent trend changes moving towards more online shopping than ever before.

So with consumers turning to the internet for their commercial needs, there is a natural increase in the necessity for outstanding quality eCommerce web design.

On Design for eCommerce Websites: First Impressions Are Fast

The first thing customers see when they click on your eCommerce site will decide whether or not they stick around to see more.

According to leading Australian SEO eCommerce agency SEO Advantage, the growth of the eCommerce industry has meant that many businesses are competing with one another, and websites that have the best design often stand out as the best. This could be because clients are led by bold and clear design.

design for eCommerce websites

It is more compelling and enticing than a cluster of random content.

Draw the Reader’s Attention with Focal Points

Also, it is very important to create focal points where you want the reader’s eyes to land. These can be anything from images to content in a box, but they will stand out enough to grab the visitor’s attention.

You’ve heard the term in marketing “call to action” – well that simply means you want to elicit a response from the visitor. Whether you want them to click through to a sales landing page or a video demonstration of a product, creating focal points is key to getting them to click from page to page. It is, after all, one very effective way to reduce your bounce rate.

Organized Content Is More Accessible

Leading on from this point to focus on content – the structure of a website should be a primary concern. Tidy information and product display pages allow for an easier, hassle-free browsing experience. Categories, company information, FAQs, and contact pages should all be labeled in a way that cannot be missed.

By doing this, a website is instantly more accessible and easier to navigate, which is what customers ultimately need. As a consumer, it would be less than ideal to enter a shop building and see a disorganized and chaotic display of products – this line of thinking should be translated through to websites too.

Limited Use of Fonts

As mentioned, first impressions can make or break a site. Along with well-organized content, you should avoid overusing fonts. Although you may think some are extremely attractive and maybe even are chosen to highlight a product or feature you are trying to emphasize.

design for eCommerce

Unfortunately, too many fonts can distract from your central message and that would be the products or services you are selling on your eCommerce website.

You may occasionally want to add a bit of color to emphasize something like a major sale with 50% off for a limited time. That’s okay. However, if possible, stick with colors in your brand’s logo. You can also design a logo using a logo maker.

Brand Image

What is represented to the world is pivotal in terms of how customers perceive the brand. Brand image dictates how a business is perceived, and positive perception tends to contribute to better sales and consumer engagement.

A noticeable, consistent brand regime allows for heightened credibility and a more established presence. It can also facilitate the outreach into global markets while making it easier to establish firm boundaries between your company outreach and the alternate competition.

Strategic Use of Color

In keeping with brand image, another very important aspect of design for eCommerce is the strategic use of color. Depending on your brand’s logo design, you should use those colors in your web design.

Not only will it keep with well-organized content but it will also work subliminally going forward. When developing a brand image, you are working to get your audience to think of your brand whenever a product within your niche or product line is mentioned.

For a faster process of developing your brand image, using a free logo maker is a cost-efficient method.

For example, think for just a moment about Coca-Cola. Their label is red with white lettering and always has been. Take a moment to visit the global website, You will see those two colors prominently displayed.

The point is that when someone asks for a ‘coke’, they can almost see the Coca-Cola logo at the edge of their consciousness, even if they are served some generic brand.

Thoughtful Aesthetics Improve Customer Engagement

A user-friendly website is more attractive than one that is hard to navigate. This blends into the points around the content organization. Further to this aspect, user interfaces have to be accessible to maintain visits and engagement.

If a website is hard to use, no one will use it – fact. Also to be considered is replicating a site that can cater to mobile and tablet use. Mobile-friendly sites are condensed and edited versions of the main website, which make access on a phone or similar easier to see, less frustrating, and more intuitive for the customer.

Easy to Navigate Shopping Cart

One of the main reasons for shopping cart abandonment is how it has been designed – or lack of functional design we should say. A shopping cart should be clearly designed and easy to navigate in terms of all the information required at the time of checkout.

There should be clear instructions on how to enter payment information. All fillable blanks should be clearly marked and radio buttons also clearly defined. One that many people often miss is the radio button for having read the terms of the website.

Instead of processing the order and payment, the screen keeps clicking back to the shopping cart payment screen. Clear and concise instructions and buttons are extremely important if you want to avoid shopping cart abandonment.

For a seamless and user-friendly shopping experience, consider seeking a professional ecommerce web design company to enhance your website's functionality and customer engagement.


Great design is the first step in creating a successful website that grows a business instead of impeding it. The site needs to look good to catch the eye and inspire further browsing, but all other components also need to be up to a high standard to push through a sale.

Market and client research can boost this process by providing an idea of needs specific to the company’s client base.


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