7 Reasons Why Website Design Mean So Much For Customers

In the next paragraphs we will be sharing our top 7 reasons why website design means so much for your customers, and why businesses need to take their website design seriously.


Why Website Design Mean So Much For Customers

In 2015, Adobe released its annual report showing that 66 percent of consumers would prefer to click on a beautifully designed website.

This number has been on a steady increase since then, and the measure of how essential a properly designed website is to a company's ROI keeps expanding.

It is no surprise then that most companies are investing a ton in their website design.

However, we will never encourage businesses to make any important business investment without first telling them the reasoning behind it.

So, in this article, we will be sharing our top reasons why website design means so much for your customers, and why businesses need to take their website design seriously.


A Properly Designed Website Will Help Customers Navigate Your Site Easily

The first reason we will be touching on is site navigation.

When a customer clicks onto your website, they want to understand your site and access whatever content they need quickly.

If your website is designed perfectly, customers should be able to navigate your site properly.

If it isn't, here are a few ways to make your site navigation better for your customers:

  • If you have many pages on your website, make your menu expandable so customers can see all the pages under one menu at a go.
  • If your navigation is complicated, simplify it.
  • The simpler your site navigation is, the better for customers.

A good website design will have excellent navigation, which will help users explore your website thoroughly and give them a good user experience.


A Good Website Design Builds Brand Trust from Your Customers

Another importance of web design is that it builds trust from your customers.

Statistics show that 75 percent of a site's credibility comes from the site design.

This is more than half of a site's credibility! So, it is no surprise that customers won't trust a poorly or outdated website design.

On the other hand, a professionally designed website will tell your customers that you care about your business enough to invest in your appearance.

Build trust with your customers with good website design so they can stay on your site long enough to make purchases or generate leads for your business.


A Good Website Design Contributes to Your Branding

The next importance of web design is its contribution to your overall branding.

When you think of branding for your business, you think of how you can make your target customers recognize your brand from a mile off.

If that is the case, then your website design should be consistent with your branding.

When a customer clicks on your website link, they should be able to recognize your brand colors, logo, company name, and even the products and services your brand offers from your website.


Website Design Contributes to Customers' Engagement

Another point on our list of website design benefits is its contribution to customer engagement.

Your website design will contribute to how engaged customers are on it.

For example, if you have a good website with a great layout, customers are more likely to spend time on your site, engaging with your products/services and the different pages on your site.

Whereas, if your website layout is poor, prospective customers are likely to click out faster.

Different website applications come with themes with great layouts for you to try, So, when building your website, take advantage of these themes.


Website Design Can Make or Break Your SEO

wordpress theme for web design - SEO STRATEGY

The purpose of SEO on your website is to get your business in front of the right customers.

But we could also see this as helping prospective customers get quick access to the products or services they are searching for.

That said, one essential thing for website design is search engine optimization.

Optimize your site for search by including keywords relevant to your business in your HTML text, your website page, and even the images you include in your website.

You could also create a blog section on your site and hire writers from writing service reviews websites like Online Writers Rating to write SEO blog content.

So, when prospective customers search for relevant products or services on search engines, you get placed higher in search, which means better web visibility.


Content and Visual Elements

Another importance of website design for your customers is your site's content and the visuals you choose for your site.

This is important because of the message your choice of website content and visual elements will pass to any prospective customer.

For example, if your fonts are challenging to read in typography, it could baffle prospective customers, and you might lose your message.

Also, when it comes to creating content for your website, it is best to hire professional writers from custom writing reviews websites like Best Writers Online.

This way, you know that they will pass across the message of your brand without including clusters in the content.

It is also essential to make the visuals you include in your site as vibrant and engaging as possible.

Note that websites with too much content will look clustered and will be unappealing to your customers.

This could affect your conversion rate because of the poor user experience.

To avoid this, make use of white space where necessary.


It Sets an Impression of A Brands Customer Service

Finally, another of our web design benefits is that your website design sets an impression of your brand's customer service.

From your website design, a prospective customer can judge how your brand will treat them.

For example, if your website looks like your brand didn't put in any effort into your site design, this tells any prospective customer that you might not put any effort into helping them should they need it.

On the other hand, if your site is professionally and aesthetically designed, and customers have a great user experience on your website, it reaffirms that your brand cares about its customers.

Your customers instantly feel like you will care about solving any of their problems should they need it.



We hope this article has answered the question, “why is web design important.”

Take your time to build an excellently designed website to make your customers happy and, in turn, increase your website, traffic, SEO ranking, engagement, conversion, and ultimately increase sales.


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