Remote Revolution: The Blueprint for a Successful Virtual Company

Table of Contents

The business world is rapidly changing, and the pandemic has only accelerated this transformation.

Remote work setups are now more popular than ever, with 77 percent of business leaders across industries offering remote work options to employees.

This shift toward virtual companies has created a new way for entrepreneurs to create and grow their businesses.

If you’re looking to get in on the action and capitalize on the remote revolution, read on to learn how.

It’s now possible to build a thriving virtual company from scratch successfully.

A Glimpse of the Past

Before the rise of the remote working era, traditional companies were limited in terms of resources and opportunities.

Many businesses relied heavily on physical offices, requiring employees to commute long distances daily to work together.

This mode of operation often proved inefficient and costly for employers while draining workers’ energy and impacting productivity.

The traditional work environment also restricted the ability of companies to recruit employees from different parts of the world.

Businesses were limited to hiring local talent, which reduced their competitive edge and caused them to miss out on the best global talent.

Additionally, businesses in these pre-remote work environments had to navigate various geographical barriers that impeded collaboration and coordination among team members.

With remote working, these rigid limitations have been abolished, creating a level playing field for businesses to leverage the global talent pool and optimize their operations.

This shift has created new possibilities for entrepreneurs seeking to build successful ventures.

Using Modern Events Calendar Plugin to Run a Successful Virtual Company

Modern Events Calendar is a powerful WordPress plugin that enables businesses to manage their events seamlessly.

With its intuitive interface and customizable options, Modern Events Calendar is an excellent tool for virtual companies to create, promote, and manage virtual events.

The plugin provides a range of features that enable businesses to take their virtual events to the next level.

One of the most useful features of Modern Events Calendar is its Virtual Events addon. With this addon, businesses can create and manage virtual events with ease.

MEC as a virual event platform provides integration with Zoom, Google Meet, and other video conferencing platforms, allowing businesses to host webinars, online conferences, and virtual meetings.

This feature enables businesses to reach a broader audience, connect with customers and clients from anywhere in the world, and promote their brand.

Modern Events Calendar also provides customization options to help businesses tailor their virtual events to their specific needs.

The plugin offers a range of templates and designs to choose from, allowing businesses to create a professional and engaging virtual event page.

Additionally, businesses can customize the event registration process, set up ticketing and pricing, and manage attendees' details easily.

Another valuable feature of Modern Events Calendar is its social media integration.

Businesses can easily promote their virtual events on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, increasing their reach and engagement, and the ability to engage prospects.

The plugin also offers email marketing integration, enabling businesses to send targeted emails to their subscribers and promote their virtual events.

In conclusion, using Modern Events Calendar Plugin with its Virtual Events addon is an excellent way to run a successful virtual company.

The plugin's features enable businesses to create, promote, and manage virtual events seamlessly, providing a powerful tool for reaching a broader audience, connecting with customers and clients from anywhere in the world, and promoting their brand.

By leveraging the power of Modern Events Calendar, businesses can establish a strong online presence, attract customers, and grow their virtual company.

The Emergence of Remote Work

The emergence of remote work has revolutionized the business world in recent years.

By eliminating geographical boundaries and allowing workers to collaborate from different locations, virtual companies have enabled businesses to access the global talent pool and optimize their operations.

At its core, remote working is about leveraging technology and communication tools to create an environment where employees work from any location without needing to be physically present.

This has presented a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs seeking to create virtual companies that are flexible and cost-effective.

Today, remote working is embraced by businesses of all sizes, from giant multinational corporations to small startups. These organizations have realized the potential of remote working to increase productivity, collaboration, and employee satisfaction.

With the right tools and strategies in place, companies can enjoy the benefits of running a virtual company without compromising quality or performance.

How to implement remote employee tracking software in your company

Remote work has become a prominent trend in today’s work environment. Many companies are embracing it due to the flexibility it offers. However, managing remote teams has its own challenges.

One of these challenges is ensuring optimal productivity. Many companies are using remote employee tracking software solutions to address this concern. This article explores the necessary steps to launch such software in your company and how it can enhance productivity.

The need for remote employee tracking software

It is crucial to recognize the rationale behind adopting remote employee tracking software.

As organizations transition to remote work models, maintaining visibility into employees' work activities becomes critical for effective management. Productivity tracking software is a tool to measure the performance of remote workers. It enables companies to make data-driven decisions for enhanced efficiency.

Tips to implement remote employee tracking software

Here are some tips to follow for implementing remote employee tracking software.

  1. Understand needs

Identify the challenges for your company in remote work management. Are there concerns about task completion or time management? Defining your objectives will aid in selecting a productivity tracking software that aligns with your company's requirements.

  1. Choose the right software

Once you clearly understand your organization's needs, the next step is to choose the right productivity-tracking software. Look for a solution with comprehensive features like time tracking, task management, and performance analytics.

Family Orbit claims selecting a tool that integrates seamlessly with your existing workflow and is user-friendly for employees and managers is essential.

  1. Communicate transparently

Explain the software's purpose and how it will be utilized to enhance productivity and streamline workflows. Address concerns employees may have regarding privacy. Furthermore, assure them the software will monitor work-related activities and not intrude on their personal space.

  1. Establish guidelines

Establish clear guidelines regarding remote employee tracking software to ensure a smooth implementation process. Define expectations for task completion and time management. Having well-defined policies helps create a sense of accountability among remote employees.

  1. Provide training

Offer comprehensive training sessions to familiarize employees with the functionalities of the productivity tracking software. Additionally, provide ongoing support to address issues that may arise during the implementation phase. A well-informed workforce is more likely to embrace and use the new tool effectively.

  1. Emphasize the benefits

Highlight the benefits of remote employee tracking software to employees and management. Stress how the tool can streamline workflows and ultimately contribute to enhanced productivity. Emphasizing the positive aspects of the software will help create a more positive perception among your workforce. It can lead to better acceptance and adoption.

  1. Monitor and adjust 

After the implementation of remote employee tracking software, regularly monitor its effectiveness. You can do so by gathering feedback from employees and managers. Analyze the software's data to identify areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments to policies.

Continuous monitoring allows you to fine-tune the use of the software and ensure it aligns with your organization’s needs.

Implementing remote employee tracking software is a strategic step. It can help in optimizing productivity in a remote work environment.

Steps like conducting a needs assessment, selecting the right software, and communicating with transparency are crucial in harnessing the potential of productivity tracking software.

As remote work continues to evolve, integrating such tools becomes a necessity. As a proactive measure, it can ensure sustained success in the digital workplace.

Pros and Cons of Remote Learning and the Effects on Remote Work

The Good: How Working Remotely Benefits Your Business

You Are Able to Collaborate with People All Over the World

The team of your company determines the overall success.

Sometimes, it is extremely challenging to find the right people who will do their jobs properly and actually care about what they do.

It is even more difficult if you are limited by the area you live in when seeking the right candidates.

Digital transformation has enabled us to work with the best employees all over the globe, and that is wonderful. And the same reason resulted in project scheduling software that helps with the managing of remote teams and project planning.

Outsourcing Services May Increase Productivity and Decrease Expenses

There is no need to permanently accommodate certain specialities in your team – you may need them only in the specific phases of the company’s activity.

Outsourcing has been known to be a common practice in all fields – from receiving help from TopWritersReview in writing an essay to employing IT specialists to work exclusively on some projects.

You can hire the best experts from different countries to help you work on specific tasks.

You Provide the Employees with Benefits that Will Encourage Them to Work Better

It is no wonder that your team enjoys working from home, as they get a considerable number of benefits – from saving money spent on fuel or public transportation to having flexible working hours and more freedom.

They have more time to rest and learn while receiving the same pay.

It is likely to increase their motivation to work and the overall results they present.

Remote work even allows for more flexibility in managing exempt vs. non-exempt employees, potentially simplifying payroll and compliance processes for them.

It Is a Chance to Save Money for The Employer as Well

Continuing on the topic of money, having a remote team is beneficial for the owner too as it saves a lot of it.

You don’t need to spend anything on rent and bills, lunches, or snacks for employees.

Educate Your Personnel via The Internet

If the team isn’t learning anything, it is standing still.

Upgrade their skills by introducing courses or online lectures.

Teach them how to facilitate the working process by using modern tools – Writing Universe for outsourcing content writing, Google Sheets for accounting, or a tool like Notion or Weje for organizing their workload and team collaboration.

Keeping Your Team Diverse Gives You Various Points of Views

Having people from all over the world in your team means not only having access to the employees with the best hard skills, but also building a team with different views, lifestyles, and unique knowledge.

Use all of them to get the best results.

You Can React to Unexpectable Situations Faster

When something bad happens, usually it is vital to fix it as soon as possible.

Having your team online means you don’t need to spend time gathering in one room to discuss the situation.

Everyone knows exactly what to do and how to do it from their houses, having all the necessary tools.

The Bad: Sacrifices of Running a Remote Team

It Takes More Time to Build the Company Culture

Culture is usually set up at the office.

Of course, having shared aims and values is not about being in the same building, but employees tend to have closer relations there.

They share the same problems, their discussions go beyond the working issues.

Yes, sometimes it decreases productivity, but it helps them to work as a team, and it benefits the business.

No Personal Coaching

No doubt that the Internet gives many tools for training new employees.

However, in some cases, it is highly important to interact with people eye-to-eye to get the most from your mentors’ experience.

Many functions are easier to delegate to professional services than to teach your employee via Skype or Microsoft Teams.

Just like students all over the world use GrabMyEssay to buy essays and, in this way, facilitate their studying process, managers can also resort to specialized services.

Sometimes it is more cost- and time-effective rather than enrolling in a full learning course for your workers via the Internet.


The Workers May Feel Isolated

And it can affect them negatively.

A lot of remote workers tend to go outside to work – to cafés, libraries, or co-working places.

This way they don’t feel stuck at home.

For some people, it works, for others, not so much.

Besides,  it is super difficult to build team spirit if the workers never met each other and have completely different backgrounds.

Bearing in mind the tendency of outsourcing services and, thus, having a continuous flow of staff, it becomes almost impossible.

It Is Easy to Get Distracted at Home, and It Can Worsen the Overall Results

With all the distractions we have at home – family members, pets, household duties, and more – it is not that easy to stay focused.

It can result in decreasing your team’s productivity.

Companies have managed to adjust all the processes in the organization and get work done faster than before without visiting the office, but they definitely lost something, too.

Make sure that you choose the mode which works best for you and your team: the one that is not only more productive but also makes your employees happy.

How to Build a Successful Remote Company

Workplace management

Have an strong communication plan

A big factor that differentiates remote work from work in an office and makes your business a successful remote company is an inability to talk in person to employees. The advice to follow for remote companies is to have a solid communication plan in place.

Use the right messaging tool. Employers need to have the right messaging tools. They can conduct a survey to find out what tools employees prefer to use.

The main aim is to keep all employees in the loop with what’s happening in the business. This includes asynchronous communications, such as recording a Zoom meeting and making it available afterward to all employees.

Slack channels can really help employees to communicate, whether it's sharing documents, screens or feedback.

Designate specific check-in times. There should be specific times when leaders are available for teams to reach them.

Implementing regular check-ins for employees and using collaborative tools such as Google Workspace can help managers monitor progress without being too prescriptive about how employees manage their time.

Instituting daily or weekly huddles can help all employees keep track of what everyone is working on and whether they are facing any issues.

Find creative ways to foster camaraderie. Employers need to be creative in how they get employees to connect. Hosting virtual meet-and-greets and team-building activities helps employees to connect.

They may hold interactive challenges, such as a fitness challenge where employees can track their progress in a shared space.

A Slack channel offers a way for employees to share funny memes, music, random discussions, or congratulate peers on a job well done. So, this one is also a key factor to run a successful remote company.

Document everything

Successful remote companies must be proactive about documentation. By documenting information it’s always available for reference. It is crucial to store, organize and centralize information to make it readily available to everyone.

Documenting step-by-step processes means that it’s easier for teams to be consistent when completing projects.

Creating a company handbook gives remote employees the opportunity to access critical company information whenever they need it.

When information is well-documented, it reduces the chances of confusion and can be a factor in running a successful remote company.

Documentation is essential for asynchronous communication, where interactions may not be in real-time. Employees should be able to check a task board to see the status of a project or reference a shared file to catch up on a missed meeting.

This way you can have a perspective of a successful remote company.

Hire Self-Motivated People

To have a successful remote company, you need to hire the right workers who can add value to your business. While the excessively large pool of candidates means having more options, it can also be overwhelming to find a good candidate.

When hiring, you have the option to stick to your city, state, country, or continent, and you can also go completely international. To decide, you should consider weighing the pros and cons of each of those options.

You have a much larger pool of talent to choose from when you go international, but you can easily organize once-a-month meetings with hiring in the city or state. Depending on your needs, you can choose the right workers for your business.

While there are plenty of sites to choose from, you should figure out where you will hire the remote talent.

Once you narrow down the applications, you can conduct one or two interviews along with tests, depending on the nature of the job. Make sure your employees are self-motivated because you can’t manage them constantly.

Hire People Outside Your Time Zone

One of the most promising strategies is hiring people outside your time zone. Doing so will get more done in less time by having a distributed team that works around the clock. This means that if you hire someone in Europe, they can work during their sleep time and vice versa.

A highly effective approach to boosting productivity is hiring team members from different time zones. This way, your business can operate seamlessly around the clock, with tasks being completed even while some of the team sleeps. It’s similar to how sleep tracking apps monitor your rest while you’re unconscious, ensuring nothing goes unnoticed. By having a distributed workforce, you can ensure that progress never stops, and work is always being handled, no matter the time of day.

Establish Office Hours, and Stick to Them

When running a business with a distributed team, it can be easy to lose track of time when there aren't any regular meetings or deadlines. It's important for everyone on the team to have some structure in their day so they know when it's time to get down to work and when they should take a break. Having set office hours helps keep everyone on the same page.

The best way to ensure that your meetings run smoothly is to schedule them in advance and give them enough lead time. The best time to do this is at least a week before the meeting.

If something needs preparation, such as an offsite meeting or training session, give yourself a two-week, or more, notice. This gives everyone enough time to prepare and arrange their schedules.

Set clear goals

Setting clear goals for remote employees will help keep them on track. They should know the expectations and deadlines and have a weekly to-do list.

It is important to post goals in a place where they are easy to access by any team member. This means everyone is aware of what everyone else is responsible for, and all are held accountable.

Implementing employee bonuses and incentive programs to reward employees for performance keeps them thinking outside the box and finding creative ways to reach their goals.


Working remotely gives employees flexibility. Workers love to work on flexible times and tend to put in more effort and mind when working remotely under a flexible structure.

For a manager, it's important to be as flexible as possible. You may want to help with tasks that aren't in your job description, so always offer to do so if you can. 

If the task is outside your area of expertise and you don't know how to do it, ask someone else on your team who does.

Use the right software and tools

Technology is the lifeblood of any remote company, as it provides the necessary tools and services to enable virtual teams to collaborate effectively.

Without technology, remote companies would be unable to operate or function meaningfully.

Communication and collaboration tools are at the core of a successful remote company.

These tools allow team members in different parts of the world to stay in contact and collaborate on projects as if they were sitting in the same room. P

Popular tools include video conferencing, instant messaging, online forums and wikis, project management software, and email. There are also popular tools for accounting including accounting software and accounting project tracking software.

For effective financial management and to streamline payroll processes in a virtual company, utilizing a reliable pay stub generator, can be essential. This tool simplifies creating accurate pay stubs for remote employees, ensuring transparent and efficient financial transactions.

In addition to these communication tools, remote companies rely heavily on other tools to ensure the company runs as smoothly as possible. Here are some of those tools:

Digital marketing and SEO tools

Digital marketing and SEO tools are essential to any remote company’s toolkit.

These tools enable businesses to reach the right audience, build visibility online, and ultimately increase conversions.

Digital marketing tools such as pay-per-click (PPC), social media marketing, and content creation can be used to drive traffic to your company’s websites and generate leads.

SEO tools are also critical for increasing website visibility on search engine results pages.

By optimizing content and using the right keywords, companies can ensure their website ranks higher and appears more frequently in search results.

This helps attract potential customers while improving brand recognition online.


Keeping up with emerging technologies

In this digital age, it’s essential for companies that operate remotely to keep up with emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI).

Companies can use these technologies to automate many tasks related to running a business, freeing up resources for more critical projects.

AI and machine learning can also facilitate intelligent decision-making by processing large amounts of data quickly and accurately.

Furthermore, companies can also use AI-based chatbots to provide customers with personalized support 24/7, helping to improve customer satisfaction.

Ensure cybersecurity

In a remote environment, cybersecurity takes paramount importance.

Cybersecurity measures, physical security and access control solutions are essential for keeping data safe and secure from malicious actors.”

Companies should implement robust user authentication processes to ensure that only authorized people have access to the network to ensure that their data is backed up regularly and avoid any loss in case of a cyberattack or technical failure.

Companies can also use threat detection tools that monitor potential risks and block malicious attempts to compromise the system.

Here we have listed 6 of the most important cybersecurity techniques to insure the safety of your remote business

Authentication and Authorization

As your team moves away from the office and starts to work remotely, it's important to consider how you will manage authentication and authorization for company resources.

There are a few different options available, but it's important to choose one that will be both secure and easy to use for your team.

One option is to use a VPN, or business VPN which will encrypt all of your team's traffic and provide a secure connection to your company's network.

However, VPNs can be difficult to set up and use, so it's important to consider whether this is the best option for your team.

Another option is to use a cloud-based solution such as Google Apps or Microsoft Azure. These solutions provide a way for your team to securely access company resources from anywhere.

They also tend to be easier to use than VPNs, so they may be a better option for your team. You can also make use of an even more robust certification methodology like cloud radius.

Employee Education and Awareness

As your team starts to work remotely, it's important to make sure that everyone is aware of the potential risks associated with working online. 

Make sure that your employees know how to spot phishing emails and other scams and that they know what to do if they suspect that their account has been compromised.

It's also important to remind them of the importance of using strong passwords and keeping their software up to date.

Your employees ultimately constitute your biggest cybersecurity vulnerability so it is important to ensure that they are well-educated and aware of the risks.

If it is obvious that certain team members are completely ignorant of the latest threats and trends in cybersecurity, you may want to consider pointing them in the direction of the information you would like them to have or even investing in a course.

Data Backup and Recovery

One of the most important things to consider when moving to a remote work environment is how you will backup and recover your data.

Make sure that you have a plan in place for backing up data on a regular basis, and that you know how you will recover data in the event of a disaster.

Being able to get back up and running quickly after a cyber attack is an important part of good data management and business continuity.

Malware Protection

Malware protection, including current and robust firewall protection, is essential for any remote team.

People working from unsecured locations, using open public WIFI networks increased the likelihood of malware infection.

Be sure that everyone on your team has up-to-date anti-malware protection installed on their devices, and that they know how to use it.

Email Security

Email is one of the most common ways for cybercriminals to target businesses. As your team starts to work remotely, it's important to make sure that everyone is using secure email protocols such as SSL or TLS.

In addition, remind your employees to be cautious when opening emails from unknown senders and to avoid clicking on links or attachments from suspicious emails.

Check the SPF record of the email to make sure the email security is on point.

Endpoint Security

As your team starts to work remotely, it's important to consider how you will protect their devices.

Make sure that all of your team's devices have up-to-date endpoint security software installed and that they are configured to automatically install updates. 

It's also a good idea to require strong passwords and two-factor authentication for all company resources.

You should also have a plan in place for what to do if a device is lost or stolen.

Make sure that your team knows how to remotely wipe their devices and that they know to contact you immediately if their device is lost or stolen.


Running a successful remote company requires careful planning, effective strategies, and a focus on creating a positive remote work culture. 

By implementing the tips, best practices, cybersecurity measures, team-building activities, and automation techniques discussed in this comprehensive guide, you will be well-equipped to navigate the remote work revolution and achieve success in the virtual business world. 

Embrace the opportunities that remote work presents and create a thriving remote company in the evolving landscape of the business world.


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