How To Increase Modern Events Calendar Load Speed?
Follow these instructions to learn more about How To Increase Modern Events Calendar Load Speed.
Check the latest Update
First of all, make sure that you have the latest version of MEC.
Note: MEC is compatible with PHP 7.0.x, 7.1.x and 5.6.x versions.
Regarding the low speed of your website, you can manage the resources that MEC includes in pages by using the Assets Per Page feature.
Deactivate all your plugins except MEC and let MEC remain active only, set your theme on default, then reload the page. If the issue was solved, then activate your plugins one by one and your theme, refresh your page, and check to see which plugin is causing the issue. Please let us know the results.
Checking the cURL
If the issue was caused by MEC, let us know. However, first, check whether the configuration of your WordPress is alright.
Also, you need to make sure that cURL is enabled in your website (contact your host provider to enable it for you)
If MEC was not faulty, contact your host provider for your website’s TTFB.
For in-depth speed acceleration of your website, read this blog post. It discusses the other practical solutions for resolving the low-speed issue.
GTmetrix Settings To Increase Modern Events Calendar Load Speed
You need to solve a series of problems that, for example, GTMetrix suggests.
GTmetrix Summary (Performance Scores and Details)
When you run your WordPress website through GTmetrix it generates a performance report which includes your GTmetrix Grade and Web Vitals.Performance
Next up is the GTmetrix Performance tab, which shows a number of useful metrics sourced from Lighthouse performance data. In addition to the LCP, TBT, and CLS shown on the summary page, the “Performance Metrics” section also shows Speed Index (SI), Time to Interactive (TTI), and First Contentful Paint (FCP).Structure
The GTmetrix Structure tab is where you can view specific issues affecting the performance of your site. This page is very useful because it provides you with actionable information like “eliminate render-blocking resources” and “minify CSS” to start optimizing your site.GTmetrix Waterfall Chart
The GTmetrix waterfall chart displays all of the individual requests on your web page (as shown below). You can then analyze each request to see what is causing delays and performance issues on your site.

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