7 Essential Video Content Creation Tips in 2023

As with written content and imagery, for video content, video content creation is also a must and you need to get the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to creating video, and appealing to your audience through good use of technology and analytics.

Follow these tips to ensure your videos look superb and deliver the goods.

Have a content strategy

A content strategy ensures you don’t keep repeating yourself, encourages you to focus on a variety of useful topics, and can tie into important calendar events in whatever subject area your video covers.

A solid content strategy is essential for effective video content creation. Just as our knowledge across scripting helps craft engaging narratives, planning your content ensures diversity, relevance, and alignment with key events, ultimately enhancing viewer engagement and platform performance.

Video Content Creation

Mention how many videos you will publish on each network and what topics you will cover there.

Use the best recording and editing software

Whatever your capture video with, unless it is a live broadcast, you should take the time to use a decent editing application. Modern tools can automatically improve the look or tone of your video, with no effort.

There exist some modern tools such as AI video maker or a text to video generator, that can help you a lot.

While taking time to create a good edit can improve the impact, value, and quality of the presentation. Why do you think there is an Oscar award for Best Film Editing?

There’s a huge range of cloud or downloadable applications for editing, collaboration, and effects for people with or without technical video skills.

If you record on an iOS device, there are apps from pro-level to consumer-level for users to work with the video on an iPad for fingertip control of the application, if you just want some free basic editing controls, iMovie is free and there are just as many for Android users.

Some features you need to look for are trimming, video background removing functionality, color correction, blurring, and frame cropping.

Invest in a background

The best videos are shot against a plain or neutral background to avoid distracting from the subject matter, be it an interview, video stream, or product guide.

If shooting video out and about take a stand or carry plenty of Blu Tack to hold it up, because nothing looks worse than interviewing people against a brick wall or in front of a busy environment.

Video Content Creation

There should still be room in the background for your printed brand or stream logo to help watermark the video and identify your brand.

A muted color background can help create or replicate your brand or house style, but shouldn’t be too bright.

Of course, if there’s some amazing natural or architectural backdrop to a piece, use it. But whatever, you should avoid green or blue backgrounds to stop people from making unfortunate memes out of your videos. The best options are a white background or a green screen.

Find viral topics

Whatever subject matter, industry, or market you are recording video for, there is always something going on that will help add to the newsworthiness or viral nature of your productions.

Viral topics often cross over or have universal appeal, and don’t have to include kids, animals, or dumb/silly moments. Capturing a unique quick take on a newsy item in your field or market, especially if you can get a quote from a key player, is one way to become vital without relying on typical viral fodder.

Otherwise, be prepared to leap on something that is likely to become a meme. Doing your news or social broadcast in a storm, from somewhere unusual or dangerous-looking (but safe) places is just one way to grow an audience and challenge yourself or your team to create better content.

Record quality and unique video content

Doing what everyone else is doing will not grow your audience or attract business. Aside from the viral nature of content mentioned above, you should be looking to go deeper into topics or cover more detail than others in your field.

If you take part in a number of interviews, you should be asking a variety of different questions, including the questions that others don’t. (While giving the subject advance notice to confirm they are okay to talk in-depth and enable them to come up with an interesting take).

And always look for a unique camera angle for a few shots to breathe life into your production, and to give the editor something to work with.

Optimize for mobile devices

The majority of people watch online video content on their mobile devices, so footage should be formatted with that in mind. Since even modern mobiles have relatively small screens, ensure that all text is of a readable size and the content focus remains fairly central.

Video Content Creation

If the video is going up on your website, ensure it uses responsive design so the video appears in the best possible format for any device it plays on. You should also keep the video content relatively short, breaking longer pieces up into chapters so people don’t get bored or lose concentration.

With length in mind, breaking up longer pieces such as in-depth interviews with mini-segments of other content can help resolve that, and is a great way to promote your other content or products.

Finally, ensure that any call to action is clear in the video, any descriptive text, or other content around the video to ensure people understand your objective.

Pay attention to analytics

As with web content, social media posts, and other engagements, you need to keep an eye on the analytics relating to your videos.

That means making sure each video has good and consistent metadata, descriptions, keywords, and thumbnails. Analytics can be found from various sources including Google Analytics, YouTube, or other video service metrics, as well as through social feedback.

If you are starting from scratch, you can use analytics to find out what works for your audience. Analytics also provides information about the makeup of that audience, locations, how much content they watch, when they drop out, and the devices they watch on.

All of this information should be used to help give you a better idea of what videos to produce in terms of format, content, and scope. You will also see which calls to action work and can tailor those for future videos.


The use of video content is growing fast as both a marketing and engagement tool for all sizes of businesses and those heavily invested in content-based social media.

From the smallest niche creator to influencers and big business, ensuring your video content looks good, resonates with the intended audience, and is reaching those people is all part of the effort. So, there’s much to think about before you pick up the camera and the record light goes out.


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