Best Event Websites Created Using MEC in March 2023

Here we have listed a new collection of the best websites that have picked Modern Events Calendar for their business to provide the first-hand experience needed in order to pick the MEC features and addons that fit your business the most.

We advise you to click on each website and feature mentioned down below and test MEC’s capabilities for yourself or even get some inspiration for the design of your website to make your menus more user-friendly and accessible.

We have also mention some of our most commonly used addons by our customers to help you identify what extra features can get you closer to the perfect tool needed, so without further ado let’s get right into it:

Modern Events Calendar Introduction - The Best WordPress Event Calendar (MEC)

List of Best Websites Created Using MEC in March 2023



Lauraf Ffforce is a wonderful French league that covers lots of sports like powerlifting, arm wrestling, bodybuilding and so many other sports where amazing athletes gather from affiliate gyms to compete and break records.

Due to the big number of events that this website holds and the size of their community, one of the most important factors for an event calendar to handle such events would be versatility in both design and features of the calendar.

Lauraf has chosen the Grid View skin to display their events on their homepage along with List View for a better look at each event individually on their event page.

Death Waiver

Death Waiver

Death Waiver consists of a big community of badass athletes who face their fears and try to improve their mental and physical strength through intense workouts. They hold competitions, CrossFit courses, endurance training, waters sports and many more activities to challenge yourself with.

They use Modern Events Calendar to showcase the time, location, title and a short description of their events on the homepage of their site and have picked one of the Liquid View styles to do so.

Obviously, since your homepage is the first thing your users will get to see whenever they open up your website, we suggest that you also consider taking a look at our Liquid View addon to enhance your website design with a more professional look.



Iampro is a drama school with lots of workshops, classes and seminars and a team of experienced trainers who can help you learn more about acting, directing movies and auditioning for interviews.

They offer multiple training programs on their website, but when you click on their courses you will see that they have blocked access to certain courses for non-logged-in users which is a very useful feature in order to get your guest users to create an account on your website.

You can find this feature in the User Dashboard addon and dictate which sections your users can see and have access to.



KDN.sozial is an IT service provider that supports and automates the constantly increasing requirements in the social and youth welfare offices. They also develop integrated solutions to support the tasks of job centers as an independent institution of the KDN umbrella organization of municipal IT service providers based in Paderborn.

You can find their events in a minimalist and modern List View where you also have the option to switch into a Monthly View and get a chance to see the events in a more compact and calendar-like style.

There is also an option to filter the categories or search for events from the top bar to find them more quickly which is pretty cool on its own.



CytoSorbents is a wholly owned subsidiary of CytoSorbents Corporation that sells CytoSorb as the flagship medicine of the corporation through specialist dealers and global partners such as Fresenius Medical Care and Biocon Ltd. All of these companies have many years of experience in critical care and have excellent local market knowledge.

They display their events in multiple shortcodes that are stacked on top of each other which is an interesting choice since it allows their clients to have a better look at their schedule.

Their top view is a Slider View where you can see a large cover of events with lots of details followed by a Grid View in the middle where you can pick the category of events displayed, and finally, at the bottom of the page there is an Countdown View that showcases the next event with a countdown to when the event starts.



Natha offers university-style courses in Yoga, Tantra, and Meditation, as well as workshops & retreats on related topics to make high-quality spiritual knowledge & training available for anyone who aspires to transform – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The first thing you will notice after taking a look at their website is their attention to design and colors. This is especially important to create a professional and yet relaxing atmosphere for their students to know that they are in good hands.

They offer lots of workshops and courses in a beautiful Grid View on their homepage which perfectly follows the other elements on their website and the colors, even though they have not done any special modifications to it.

Best Event Websites Created Using MEC in March 2023 1 is a great place to find your next trail run or look for good shoes, watches, tights, hydration vests, etc. and meet lots of amazing, like-minded people down the line.

You can find their events in a simple Grid View on their homepage or take a closer look at their monthly events on their event page to see where the events will be held and learn more about the activities.

As mentioned above holds lots of events and could be considered an event organizer of some sort, but what will catch your attention the most once you enter their website is that they are also an online shop for sports equipment, so if you also run an online shop like they do, we suggest that you take advantage of the amazing ticket variation feature to sell items along with tickets to your events.

Niederrhein Theater

Niederrhein Theater

Niederrhein Theater organizes and conducts the normal city theater activities held in other parts of the country with the addition of the workshops and courses they hold for all age groups.

They have not spent much time on the design of their website, but we have especially included this site to display the default view of the skins which to be fair, despite the simplicity, blend the structure of their website quite nicely.

Unlike the bland calendar page, once you click on each event, there is one feature on the single event page that will capture your attention. Here you can pick your seats and pay for them based on where they are located in the venue. This visual representation of the seats has been made possible with the amazing Seat addon; a pretty useful tool we have recently developed that enables you to assign a different price to each spot, create a layout plan for them and much more.


Niederrhein Theater

DANZA is a dance and self-defense school with a ton of courses from elementary to advanced levels with a fun and experienced team of experts. DANZA will teach you how to dance, be confident, be healthy and change your life for the better by helping you acquire a complete set of skills.

You can find all their events from martial arts and dance classes to balance training in a beautiful Agenda View followed by a Monthly View skin where every event is color-coded based on the category it belongs to.

Stacking multiple calendar shortcodes is pretty useful to give the viewers every filter and search option they need to find their desired event in the shortest time possible. Here you can click through each month using the month picker at the top of the Monthly View or simply scroll through each month with the Agenda View to take a closer look at the event time as well as the general info provided.

Realty Line

Niederrhein Theater

Realty Line is an online real estate business that holds lots of educational events to help real estate agents. working as a solo practitioner or for a multi-platform property management company operating globally or locally like Airbnb management Sydney, learn more about taxes and regulations and have a better understanding of marketing within their own business.

Their courses cover a variety of topics from divorce real estate to geographical outreach and negotiation techniques which you can find in two different pages of their website, their homepage and a dedicated calendar page.

After you click on their events, you will see a pop-up window with more details about the event with the event description, category and a QR code that will take you to the same page if you wish to enter the single event page on your phone, which won’t be an issue since MEC has a fully responsive design.


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