How to Sell Online Courses with WordPress in 2024

The demand for online courses has grown significantly in recent years. 

According to a report by Research and Markets, the global online education market is expected to reach $350 billion by 2025, due to the increasing use of the internet and growing preference for flexible, self-paced learning.

This rise in demand offers a tremendous opportunity for educators to share their knowledge and generate income by selling online courses.

WordPress is an ideal platform for selling online courses for several reasons. 

Firstly, over 40% of all websites on the internet use WordPress to sell online courses, demonstrating its popularity and reliability. 

Its flexibility allows users to create professional-looking websites without needing advanced technical skills. 

Furthermore, WordPress offers a vast array of plugins and themes, including specialized ones for online courses. 

This makes it easy to manage course content, enrollments, and payments all in one place. 

For instance, Modern Events Calendar can enhance course scheduling and event management with the help of its various integrations like WooCommerce, Stripe and PayPal for handling payments and integrations like Zoom and Webex to offer an online platform.

In this guide, we will show you how to set up your WordPress site to sell online courses. 

We will cover everything from choosing a domain name and hosting provider to installing the necessary plugins and setting up e-commerce features. 

By the end of this guide, you will have all the tools and knowledge you need to successfully launch and manage your online courses using WordPress.

Key Takeaways

  • The online education market is expected to reach $350 billion by 2025, offering significant opportunities for educators to monetize their knowledge.
  • WordPress, powering over 40% of websites, provides a flexible and popular platform for selling online courses, supported by a vast range of themes and plugins.
  • Start by choosing a memorable domain name, a reliable hosting provider, and a suitable theme that supports online course features.
  • MEC is a robust plugin that simplifies course management, offering scheduling, booking, payment integration, and notifications, and integrates well with other tools like WooCommerce and Zoom.
  • MEC allows for the structured setup of courses, including lessons, modules, quizzes, and downloadable resources, and supports e-commerce features to sell online courses using WordPress.
  • Features like student dashboards, course content management, and varied access levels help create a user-friendly learning environment.
  • MEC supports multilingual events, making it suitable for a global audience.
  • Comprehensive resources and documentation are available to assist users in effectively setting up and managing online courses.
  • You can get MEC and its 7 online course addons for just $321, providing all the features you need to start your online course business without requiring additional tools.

Setting Up Your WordPress Site

Choosing a Domain Name and Hosting Provider

Start by selecting a domain name that reflects your brand or the courses you offer. 

It's important to choose a memorable and relevant name. 

Start by selecting a domain name

Next, pick a hosting provider that ensures your site runs smoothly and can handle the traffic. 

Popular choices include Bluehost, SiteGround, and WP Engine, known for their reliability and performance.

Installing WordPress

Once you have your domain name and hosting set up, you can install WordPress. 

Most hosting providers offer a one-click installation process, making it simple even for beginners. 

Follow the instructions provided by your hosting service to get WordPress up and running. 

Here we have chosen SiteGround to install WordPress. Simply head over to your SiteGround account, and click your way through from the SiteGround Wizard to install WordPress in a few simple steps. 

Here we have chosen SiteGround to install WordPress

You can get a more detailed tutorial on the SiteGround website if you are looking to learn about securing your website, increase speed, etc. 

However, following the wizard is enough to get everything ready for creating an online course platform.

Selecting a Suitable Theme for Online Courses

Choosing the right theme is crucial for the look and functionality of your online course site. 

Selecting a Suitable Theme for Online Courses

A good theme will be responsive, fast, and easy to navigate. It should also support the integration of course management plugins.

Theme Recommendations

  • Astra: This lightweight theme is highly customizable and works seamlessly with popular page builders and LMS plugins.
  • Blocksy: A modern theme that is fast and highly flexible, Blocksy provides a smooth user experience and excellent support.
  • Kata: Known for its versatility and ease of customization, Kata offers various demo sites to get you started quickly.
  • Neve: Neve is designed for speed and usability. It's compatible with various page builders and provides ready-made templates for quick setup.

Installing Modern Events Calendar [All-in-One Online Course Solution]

Now it’s time to get to the core of your business. 

Modern Events Calendar (MEC) is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed for creating, managing, and selling online courses. 

MEC offers a wide range of features specifically tailored for educational purposes, making it an excellent choice for course creators.

Course Scheduling 

Easily set up course schedules, including start and end dates, recurring sessions, and custom time slots.

Easily set up course schedules

Booking and Registration

Allow students to register for courses directly from your website. 

Allow students to register for courses directly from your website. 

The booking system can handle multiple types of tickets and registrations, ensuring smooth enrollment processes.

Payment Integration

Seamlessly integrate with payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, allowing you to accept payments for course enrollments directly through your site.

MEC Seamlessly integrate with payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe

Notifications and Reminders

Keep students informed with automated email notifications and reminders for upcoming classes or important updates.

Online Event Integrations

MEC supports integration with popular online meeting platforms like Zoom and Webex, making it simple to host live sessions. 

Modern Events Calendar has even developed a dedicated online course addon, Virtual Events, to stay true to being an all-in-one solution if you don’t want third-party integrations to hold your online events.

MEC supports integration with popular online meeting platforms

These platforms are essential for interactive classes, Q&A sessions, and guest lectures.

Integration with Other Tools

MEC integrates well with tools like WooCommerce for e-commerce functionalities, Mailchimp for email marketing, and various calendar applications, enhancing the overall management of your online courses.

MEC integrates well with tools like WooCommerce for e-commerce functionalities

Installation Process
To install the Modern Events Calendar plugin, follow these steps:

  • Download Modern Events Calendar or the addons from your Webnus dashboard
  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to “Plugins” and click on “Add New.”
  • Upload” the zip file in WordPress and click “Install Now.”
  • Once the installation is complete, click “Activate” to enable the plugin on your site.
  • After activation, you can access MEC settings to customize and configure the plugin to fit your specific needs for online course management.
Download Modern Events Calendar or the addons from your Webnus dashboard

By leveraging the capabilities of the Modern Events Calendar, you can effectively manage your online courses, from scheduling to payment processing, making it a valuable tool for any online educator.

Special Discount: Online Course Solution Offer [20% Off]

Event Management Software

Unlock the full potential of your online courses with our discounted Online Course Bundle for Modern Events Calendar!

Enjoy seamless integration with Webex, Zoom, WooCommerce, and more, transforming your events into engaging virtual experiences and simplifying ticket management. Enhance user experience with exclusive dashboards and efficient RSVP handling. Get all these powerful tools in one comprehensive package at a 20% discount today!

In order to make creating and managing your online courses more affordable for you, we have created a bundle with a 20% discount that offers a comprehensive set of tools to manage and enhance your online courses. 

This bundle includes Webex Integration and Zoom Integration, allowing you to display detailed information about your meetings and webinars, and provide attendees with embedded event links, usernames, and passwords. 

The Virtual Events addon transforms your events into virtual experiences, offering attendees convenient access through embedded or direct links. 

WooCommerce Integration lets you use WooCommerce's cart system for ticket purchases, treating each ticket as a product, and facilitating simultaneous purchases of tickets and other WooCommerce products. 

The User Dashboard addon creates exclusive pages for users, displaying ticket purchase information and details about registered events, and enabling users to log in for ticket purchases. 

Additionally, the bundle includes the Waiting List addon, which allows people to reserve tickets in case of cancellations, and RSVP Events, enabling attendees to RSVP and manage their event participation. 

This bundle provides a seamless and integrated solution for managing online courses and events.

Creating and Managing Online Courses

Here’s where Modern Events Calendar can take over and streamline the process.

Let’s see how to leverage MEC to set up, structure, and enhance your online courses.

Integrating MEC with Online Tools

Now it’s time to see how you can integrate the most integral part of holding online courses. 

Modern Events Calendar has provided 3 amazing tools to seamlessly integrate your website to online classes.

Virtual Events Addon

The Virtual Events addon for Modern Events Calendar allows you to turn physical events into virtual ones. 

Virtual Events addon for Modern Events Calendar

It enables you to provide attendees with embedded links or direct URLs, along with any necessary passwords, to access your online events securely and conveniently.

Zoom Integration

The Zoom Integration addon enables you to share details about your Zoom meetings and webinars directly on your website. 

Zoom Integration addon enables you to share details about your Zoom meetings

It allows you to provide users with an embedded code or link to the event, along with the username and password needed to join.

Webex Integration

The Webex Integration addon provides similar functionalities to the Zoom Integration. 

Webex Integration addon provides similar functionalities to the Zoom Integration

It allows you to display information about your Webex meetings and webinars, and provides users with an embedded code or link, including the username and password required to access the event.

Setting Up Course Content 

The first step in setting up your online course is to create comprehensive and engaging content

You can utilize the event description section in MEC to outline your course details, including a course overview, objectives, target audience, and instructor information. 

utilize the event description section in MEC to outline your course details

Simply enter the title of your course and use the Description field to provide all necessary course details.

This section acts as the core content for your course, making it informative and appealing to potential students.

Structuring Your Course: Lessons, Modules, and Quizzes

Organizing your course into lessons, modules, and quizzes is essential for effective learning. 

MEC's date and time features allow you to schedule these components seamlessly.

MEC's date and time features allow you to schedule

For single events, you can schedule individual lessons or modules.

For recurring events, use the Event Repeating option to schedule regular classes or modules, such as weekly lectures or monthly assessments.

use the Event Repeating option to schedule regular classes

You can set these to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or on custom intervals based on your course structure.

To set up these schedules, go to the Date and Time section while creating or editing an event, specify the start and end times, and choose the appropriate repetition method if needed.

Adding Multiple Elements  

Enhance your course by adding various elements that provide more information and interaction options for your students. 

Enhance your course by adding various elements

In the Organizer and Speaker sections, detail who is teaching the course. 

Go to the Organizer section to add or select organizers and speakers. 

If your course includes live sessions, specify whether they are online or in a specific physical location using the Location/Venue section. 

Define different ticket types for your course, such as basic access, premium content, or early-bird discounts, using the Tickets section to create and manage these options. 

Define different ticket types for your course

Enable the Booking module for students to enroll in your course, and customize booking limits, intervals, and payment options in the Booking section. 

By filling out these sections, you create a detailed and user-friendly course listing that enhances the user experience.

Providing Downloadable Resources 

Supplement your course with downloadable resources like lecture notes, reading materials, or assignments.

In MEC, you can provide these resources directly on the course page. First, activate the Downloadable File Module from MEC Settings > Booking > Booking Elements.

Providing Downloadable Resources 

Then, while creating or editing your course event, go to the Downloadable File section and upload the necessary files.

These files will be available for participants to download after they have booked the course, ensuring they have all the materials they need for successful learning.

Configuring E-Commerce Features

This is where you will start making money by including comprehensive e-commerce features.

In this section, we'll walk you through the essential steps to set up and optimize these e-commerce features, ensuring your online education platform is both user-friendly and profitable. 

ensuring your online education platform is both user-friendly and profitable

From integrating WooCommerce and setting up dedicated course pages to managing payment gateways and creating student dashboards, MEC offers all the tools you need to create a streamlined and professional online learning environment.

Integrating MEC with WooCommerce

To facilitate online course sales, you can use the WooCommerce integration

Integrating MEC with WooCommerce

This integration allows you to seamlessly manage transactions, track sales, and handle course-related products like books or supplementary materials using the WooCommerce options.

Setting Up Dedicated Pages for Courses

MEC allows you to create a unique page for each of your courses by dedicating a single event page section in MEC.

single event page section in MEC

This feature enables you to provide detailed information about each course, including its schedule, content, and any other relevant details, making it easier for students to find and enroll in the courses that interest them.

Payment Gateways and Pricing Strategies

MEC offers various payment gateway options to support different pricing strategies for your courses. 

MEC offers various payment gateway options

You can set up these payment methods through the payment gateways section, allowing you to offer diverse payment options like credit cards, PayPal, and more.

Creating Dashboards for Students

To enhance the learning experience, you can create dashboards for students using the user dashboard addon section in MEC. 

create dashboards for students using the user dashboard

This feature allows students to track their progress, access course materials, and manage their schedules, providing a centralized hub for all course-related activities.

Payment Options and Order Management

To streamline the purchase and management of course access, MEC offers robust features for handling payment options and order management. 

Payment Options and Order Management

You can customize these through the payment gateway and ticket variation sections, allowing for different ticket types and pricing tiers.

Setting Up Membership Access

MEC integrates with Paid Memberships Pro to allow you to restrict course access based on membership levels.

MEC integrates with Paid Memberships Pro

This integration, available through the Paid Membership integration section, is perfect for offering exclusive content to premium members or creating tiered access levels for your courses.


Selling online courses using WordPress is a powerful way to share your expertise and generate income, and Modern Events Calendar (MEC) is the key tool to make this process seamless and efficient.

Throughout this guide, we've explored how MEC can transform your WordPress site into a comprehensive online course platform, capable of handling everything from course scheduling and student enrollment to payment processing and content delivery.

With its robust feature set, MEC simplifies the management of online courses, offering tools for event organization, automated notifications, and integration with popular payment gateways. 

Its compatibility with additional plugins like WooCommerce allows you to create a fully functional e-commerce solution, while features such as course pages, student dashboards, and membership access provide a rich learning environment for your students.

Now that you have the knowledge and tools at your disposal, it's time to launch your online courses with confidence. 

Modern Events Calendar equips you to tap into the growing demand for online education, offering a professional and scalable solution for course creators. 

Embrace the opportunities of the online education market and start building your platform today. With MEC, you're well-equipped to succeed in this exciting field.

Additional Resources

For further assistance, explore the following resources:


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