List View Skin Settings

List View Skin in MEC has five unique layouts, and each one can be set through the Modern Events Calendar setting and adjustment of shortcodes. 

List View Shortcode

You can use shortcodes in your internal pages to have this on your website. The shortcodes are located in M.E. Calendar > Shortcodes.

List View Skin Settings

List View Skin Layouts

Here are the demos of List View Skin in the Modern Events Calendar:

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LeChuck71 November 5, 2020
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Hi there,I have the problem that the list view does not show *all* events, even if there is no limit set. It seems that it stops at the end of the current month.Is there a way to list every activefuture event, no matter “when” it takes place in the future?Thanks for your help

lykabianca3 August 28, 2020
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In the list view, next to the event it says “Event Details”. How can I change this text to “Click to Join Now”?

wesmcdermott July 30, 2020
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How do I change the text of the “more detail” button on the archive page?

Stphanie June 20, 2020
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Hi, when I unselect the load more button, it keeps showing up on the page. I would agree to keep it if I was able to change his colors but I can’t find where, any solutions for me please? Thanks in advance!

bheyse April 21, 2020
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Hi, a problem with the list view and Google Map:
when I activate the google map in the list view, no events appear there. It loads the view of the event locations for 1 second when the page is loaded but then everything disappears. No events are found when I click the Next or Prev button.
If I only use the map view then it works.