Calendar/Monthly View Skin Settings

 Monthly View Skin in Modern Events Calendar gives more precision to your regular website visitors. They can find what’s new on this month’s agenda and book what interests them the most.

Monthly View Skin Shortcode

You can use shortcodes in your internal pages to have this on your website. The shortcodes are located in M.E. Calendar > Shortcodes.

Monthly View Skin Settings

Displaying The month and day in this view changes according to your WordPress settings.

Monthly View Layouts

Here is the demo of Calendar/Monthly View Skin in Modern Events Calendar:

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andrew November 2, 2020
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Hi, I am thinking of buying your PRO Events Calendar, however I have a feature question before I buy it.  Or maybe I should buy the support package, either is fine.  Here is my question.  In the native Monthly calendar view, you default to events for a specific day.  However my preference would be to see on the right where it says “EVENTS FOR NOVEMBER” to see a list of ALL EVENTS FOR NOVEMBER.  We probably only have 6-10 total so it would be much more convenient to see the month view and the events for the whole month all at once.
I went thru the settings variants but there doesn’t appear to be an option for this.
The solution you seem to recommend is to use a “WEEKLY” view which does show all of the events for the week as a list.
May I ask why there is no option to see a month’s worth of events as you show for the weekly option?
Also, the fonts are very very weak, and on laptops in bright locations very hard to read.  Is there an Elementor or theme option to reset to improve the readability of these fonts? May I ask why you default to very light gray colors for reading text?

khoneycutt October 12, 2020
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I’m having an issue that the calendar/monthly view shortcode will ONLY display as the “clean” skin, no matter which skin I designate in the shortcode editor.

Sofia July 28, 2020
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Hi.  I am using the Simple monthly calendar.  I have a few changes I’d like to make but don’t know how or if I can:
• The time does not show before the event; how can I have them show?
• It does show when I hover over the event, but the font is unacceptably small and light in color; how can I increase the font size and make it darker?
• In fact, the font for the times (and date and titles in various places) throughout many of the calendars is incredibly small and too light, almost unreadable. I don’t see a way to set font size and color in Styling Options; how can I change font size and color?

ymizrachi May 8, 2020
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I am having issues with the formatting of my monthly calendar and countdown calendar. Please help!

dreho March 22, 2020
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When I first used the monthly view skin, it worked appropriately. However, recently, it changed to list view. I’ve checked the settings for the shortcode, and everything is good there. Can this be looked into or fixed?