
  • Advanced Importer Addon

    With this addon, you can connect to Facebook, Google, Meetup, and Eventbrite unlimitedly. This makes the import process so easy. You should authenticate your account with just a few clicks and plan the import process. Also, with this plugin, you can have more third-party plugins for importing. You should initiate the process from a WordPress on which MEC is installed.

  • RSVP Events Addon

    With RSVP Addon you can enable users to RSVP to events through their name and email, plus having other fields and determine how many spots are needed. You can create different forms for different situations and manage users from backend.

  • Webex Integration Addon

    With this add-on you can show your users the information regarding your meetings and webinars. Provide the users with an embedded code of your event link plus username and password.

  • Social Auto Poster Addon

    Social Auto Poster Addon

  • Event Seat Addon

    The MEC Event Seat addon is a great tool for booking event seats. If you want to give your guests the option of picking their spot in the venue, this addon is made for you.

  • Gutenberg Single Builder Addon

    Gutenberg Single Builder

  • Liquid View Layouts Addon

    Using this addon you can revolutionize the appearance of your events and shortcodes. Make sure to enjoy the awesome experience with the new UI and UX of it. Also, it has more than 20 different skins compatible with your devices. These skins are designed based on the most recent design trends using which you can magically turn the view of…